Welcome to Nero International IMPEX PVT LTD.

Nero International IMPEX PVT LTD. , is Providing Handicraft Antiques for home decor and we have a huge collection of handcrafted Antiques and paintings,wooden art, many more etc. At Nero International Impex Pvt. Ltd., we are dedicated to curating and delivering a world of creativity to your doorstep.

Our global marketplace is a haven for unique and creative goods, offering an unparalleled selection of extraordinary items that range from meticulously crafted artisanal pieces to timeless vintage treasures. We take pride in being the bridge between talented creators and discerning connoisseurs, providing a platform where artistry and passion flourish.

Our Story

Established with a vision to bridge the gap between artisans and art aficionados, Nero International Impex Pvt Ltd, embarked on its journey to become a global marketplace that promotes creativity, culture, and craftsmanship. Over the years, we have evolved into a platform that not only connects artisans and creators with a worldwide audience but also preserves and promotes the beauty of traditional art forms. We cherish the rich heritage of diverse cultures and strive to ensure that these art forms continue to thrive in the modern world.